Bargara police have charged a 30-year-old Bundaberg North woman with three counts of fraud and one count each of attempted fraud and stealing.
The charges relate to the alleged theft of a handbag from around the Bauer Street area on February 23.
It is also alleged the woman has used the victim’s credit card to make purchases at various businesses.
Sergeant Matthew Steinhardt, Officer in Charge Bargara Police, expressed his thanks to members of the public who provided information and assisted police in solving this matter.
The woman will appear in Bundaberg Magistrates Court on April 4.
Anyone with information which could assist with this matter should contact Crime Stoppers anonymously via 1800 333 000 or 24hrs a day.
Crime Stoppers is a registered charity and community volunteer organisation working in partnership with the Queensland Police Service.
For all non-urgent police reporting or general police inquiries contact Policelink on 131 444 or 24hrs a day.