Bundaberg Child Protection Investigation Unit advise that nine juvenile offenders have been dealt with by way of caution and Youth Justice Conferencing for 18 charges in the past week.
A number of offences solved include:
- Wilful Damage and Trespass
- Unlawfully Light Fire
- Assault Occasioning Bodily Harm
- Burglary and Wilful Damage
- Bicycle Steal
- Enter with Intent
Police wish to thank members of the public for providing information which has assisted in solving these offences.
Investigations are ongoing in relation to a number of wilful damage and break and enter offences at local schools these holidays.
Anyone with information which could assist with this matter should contact Crime Stoppers anonymously via 1800 333 000 or crimestoppers.com.au 24hrs a day.
Crime Stoppers is a registered charity and community volunteer organisation working in partnership with the Queensland Police Service.
For all non-urgent police reporting or general police inquiries contact Policelink on 131 444 or Policelink.qld.gov.au 24hrs a day.